♥ Happy Birthday My DEAR ♥

that day of i celebrate birthday with him.
in the morning he send me to mum house and he go work,
so i prepare all the thing in morning and wait him bac :)
sadly i still dunno how to make a cake for him, 
so this year i cook chicken rice for him and oso what i promise him,
so i done it on his birthday...
as every body know i dunno cook, so this is my first try...
busy with cook no time to take pic :[
the clock di da di da di da until to the 7 something,
finally dear is back~
no patience to let him try my "sau sai" ,
he say it is not bad ~ im so so so happy :P
after dinner was cut cake time ~
this is the first time got ppl celebrate birthday with him
since he come kl...look at his face ~ so happy hor ?

and here was the present by me, mum & dad...
i give dear a watches and a hand made card & 
mum give dear a hello kitty ambi pur and a hello kitty key chain 
& dad give ang pau ~

hope u like it dear :)

11 Sep 2010