the Lovely night

dear had two off days in this week, so we plan to go pavilion at the first night.
i done my job early and off to pavilion wit dear, we had our dinner at carls'jr. 
the first time try -.- always got no chance, i got too much food wan to try XP
this is the reason y i hard to get me weight lower...i love they burger &
french fries vry vry much ! this is what really call french fries,real potato fav :)
dear choose bbq chicken, the taste is not bad, bt just nt suit my taste
i choose mushroom burger, the taste is super nice if u like mushroom much.

dear said his stomach is totally full, is time to get a nap -.- Zz

this our bill :)
after dinner, i wan to get a pair of shoes for myself,
because my shoes as i usually wear was spoiled, akizz...
but walk a few shop, i also didnt get anything
isit my taste too high ? -.- or my previous shoes too nice ? xp
dear said zara winter season shoes will nicer,so what to do  ?
just wait and wait until winter season lo...

dear said he wan try this, a new japanese dessert shop at pavilion,
so we had japanese crepes as our dessert.
i love the shop design, so sweet...

while waiting, just camwhore x)

we choose banana with chocolate icecream fav,
two share a japanese crepes, because we're quite full.

dear is no patient to eat this, haha...

we bring our full full stomach to watch movie,
the karate kid, when the last time i saw this trailer,
is already sure this is a nice movie ! XP so of coz wan to watch...

this movie is really didnt make us dissapointed,
what a nice movie with a sweet & warm story...
and the kid is so cute ><
this movie is 2 hours more, bt not boring at all.

when movie finish was almost mid night,
is my time to be pig...good night :]

15 June 2010