Bubba Gump ♥

Is meet my old friend at last saturday.
we know each other since last 3 years,
but i think we got almost 2 years no meet each other ?
a few time he ajak me out, but too bad i'm not free :/
in the saturday afternoon,
he suddenly text me and ask whatever wana hang out ~
seems i'm free, so we out to sunway :)
should be watch movie at that night, 
coz he say that he thousand year nv step in to cinema -.-
but show time problem so we discuss just dinner & chitchat.
he success to try this restaurant, Bubba Gump.
both of us feel like this restaurant not bad.
let's pic,
while we seat, the waitress was ask :
is both of you first time visit bubba gump ?
our respond is : uhmm~yeah why ? *curious*
so the waitress teach how to stop they waitress -.-
we just need to flap this 
( Stop Forrest Stop ) / ( Run Forrest Run )
i feel this is quite creative XD but just abit noisy.

after that we look at the menu,
i wan to eat all from they menu~ all look delicious :P
i forget all the name that what i order -.-
so just picture here ~

the lastly was his ugly pic ~ sorry that spoil ur image !
but this pic is really can make me laugh seriously XD

by the way, thank you very muchieee :)
my belovely  JILL STUART  ♥
why i love js so much ? the reason is Js is really pretty attractive!
and of coz Js cosmetic is good to use ~

maymay been taiwan last month, so of coz i ask for help from her!
thank you so much <3
Although i can't get all correction from js,
but i still feel happy that what i have now :)

this is my first time shopping online -.-
but still dun dare to buy more, just try one piece~
i bought myself a knitwear at yahoo mall,
this fb online shop page sweet mini shop
was intro by blogger miss fish

wait for a few weeks, finally i get it from poslaju.
i love this knitwear so much~ 
material is nice & comfortably to wear :)

Family's day

sunday morning, had breakfast with mum,bro and bro friend
at Bao Xiang bak kut teh.
i was so surprise when mum ask wan to eat or not -.-
in the morning eat bkt is too early for me, but at last i join them.
my first time to try this type of bkt, taste not bad but not suits my fav.
i more prefer the normal wan :/

after breakfast we off to salon. nothing special at there,so skip~
around afternoon, we back home to ready ourself and out to midvalley with dad.
 at there shop awhile then we discuss where to dinner, at first i sugges sushi zhamai.
i miss sushi alot :(   but there is too full so bro sugges to eat thai food
which beside sushi zhamai. so i hv to say bye sushi t.t
i forget what name this restaurant call.
some pic here, enjoy :)


while my bro eating, he is keep on sweat & drink water.
and his face is become tomato or mayb chili ? XD
they food is not bad, can accept~
waiting my bro to cool down, my hand is too itch,
bro say, ur coconut is so pity !
here what i did to my coconut :D

- bye -

A beautiful day ♥

可是每次都只是想而没行动~ 懒惰是我的老朋友 X)
 老豆总说我 "阿某整饼" -.- 而这次就 "阿某整CAKE"

很不专业的我, 所有材料都是配好的.
所以炬炉也是mini mini size不专业的,呵呵~

 十分钟后, 看到粉浆已经开始发起来变蛋糕了 :D 
而蓝莓就逐渐的融化~  自己看着炬炉傻傻的笑,超开心!

 还是第一次把头发梳完上去, 感觉好好笑哦~
也能说是当白老鼠 XD 他们都说不错,只不过蓝莓不够甜~
 哈哈, 证明了我是行的!

 戏中我好喜欢这只青蛙,它名叫 "蛙兄" 它好可爱 ><

值得一看的一套戏 :D

 还是要谢谢老公,把蛋糕给吃完了~ 爱你!
muackxxxx ~ ♥


Suddenly feel like having dessert on that day,
so after work we discuss to hong kong dessert 甜品哥哥.
i feel wan to try they dessert long time ago.
last time they shop is at ss2, sound like alittle bit far.
but now they has a branch at kuchai lama.

while we step in to the shop, i feel we look so weird
coz was no any customer & where got ppl eat dessert before dinner -.-
but still we sit down and look to the menu,
they menu is really fascinate me  
the feel is just like full of sweetie sweetie dessert asked me to pick them
sound like i'm crazy, but it is really !
so we just random pick 3, he choose "ye zap hak lo mai"
i choose ginger peanut tong yuan & mango "lo mai gun"

we wait for a few minute, our dessert is done.
before eat, we say, wow~ look delicious ~
let's enjoy my picture and see how delicious 

look is really delicious, but after eat ~
uhhhhmm, not as nice as we think, 
first is the mango "lo mai gun" &"ye zap hak lo mai"
we tot was hot dessert but it is cold , but at least still can accept ~
and my ginger peanut tong yuan, i tot this will as nice as what i ate from thai.
but this really disappointed, tong yuan is ok but ginger soup, 
i dun think so this taste like ginger soup ? just taste like sweet potato soup -.-
for me, peanut tong yuan + sweet potato soup taste is quite weird, 
because i'm not sweet potato soup lover ~
at last we didn't finish our dessert, 
while waiting for bill, i snap him a few picture :D

 first snap : normal

 second snap : 
he said : 
what the hell phone, y didn't move ? *shake shake*
i said      : what the hell face XD

third snap :
ahhh~ finally it's work :)

can try they other dessert, but not tong yuan !

April fool people ♥

Hallo ~Finally i'm back and clean my mildew blog !
forgive that i'm really too busy & too lazy to update my blog :/
why i will blog today by so suddenly ? 
coz of my friends keep on plus me blog blog blog ~ 
so okie, blog i'm back :D 

back to the topic of the day, how do i pass my April fool ? 
actually ntg special, we just plan to singk after work.

the day was a rainy day, traffic is so jam !!  
we're late when we reach & our stomach is keep on noisy noisy :( guuuru~~
after fill food to my stomach, we start singk from 8pm to 12am.
the next time my voice is lost -.-
so here our pic of the night,

 Let intro the new member here,
she's Everlyn, my new collegue and babe,
she is friendly & funny. let see her FUNNY pic at below XD

because of want corresponding april fool, so i done a picture for her
 tataaaa~ i feel so familiar when i saw scream 4 poster.

so here new image for her, hahaha XD

let laugh and end my post